It’s hard to choose a “slice” today to talk about, since today has been full. Although it is still technically summer vacation for another week, I am working part time (pro bono?) to get a writing center started at my school, I am teaching my adult education class, mentoring a teacher new to our school, preparing two presentations for the beginning of the school year professional development series, and somewhere in there I’m working on a ten day fitness challenge.

I’m exhausted.

As I sat down to work on my agenda for my first mentor/protege meeting, my cat intervened.

Note the careful placement between my eyes and the screen.
Note the careful placement between my eyes and the screen.

You see, Smudge has a sixth sense. She knows when I’m tired, and should go to bed. She has been known to “gently” persuade me with “calming” yawls until I head up to the bedroom for cuddles and snoozes. Smudge knows when I’m putting too much pressure on myself and working too hard.

I don’t always listen. In fact, I didn’t notice her “caring” attitude until my Roommate noted that the cat was telling me to stop working. I hadn’t listened to the Roommate, so my cat had heroically taken over.

With gentle patience.
With gentle patience.

So now, it’s time to go to bed. But hey, I managed to get my blog post in before losing consciousness, so I think I win this one. Or maybe Smudge does.

Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for the Slice of Life Challenge

Slice of Life